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Florida State's EWM English Major

Florida State's  Editing, Writing, and Media track re-conceives the English major for the 21st century. It still preserves the traditional core of English, the creation and interpretation of texts, by combining practice in writing and editing with the study of cultural history and criticism. However, it transforms both writing practice and critical study to confront the new challenges of digital technology, visual culture, and the Internet.The EWM track aims to prepare students for leadership roles in 21st century culture, whether as intellectuals pursuing advanced degrees in book history, rhetoric, and critical theory or as tech-savvy professionals equipped with editorial expertise and writing skill. EWM is not just a degree: It is a vision of the future of texts.

EWM Required Courses and Outcomes

As it is currently conceived, the majpor has three required courses:

1. "Rhetoric," offers a conceptual framework for studying culture and technology, either present or past.

2. "Writing and Editing in Print and Online," focuses on composition and editing practice for a variety of platforms, both print and electronic.

3. "History of Text Technologies," provides an introduction to the changing technologies of textual production in cultural context. Together the three courses offer a method for understanding the world through the nature and function of texts in it.

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